How to Prove that God Doesnt Exist. by Matt Nelson Filed under The Existence of God. which means God can make himself exist with contradictory powers even if your logical argument says such a deity can't exist. A rock an omnipotent Classic Theistic God wills to move after willing for all eternity never. God doesn't exist because there's not one iota of credible evidence to show that he does. The arguments above are good but any Christian apologist will simply poopoo them away. Christian apologetics is the art of rolling a dog turd in sugar and selling it as a donut. God Does Not Exist What Atheists And Christians Both Get Wrong About God 06: 57 am ET Updated Oct 27, 2016 The god most atheists think they reject is the god most Christians should. Now lets take a closer look at the posters first argument that God doesnt exist. The writer summarizes that for people to believe something, a standard of proof must be met. Atheist's tries to argue the existence of God have three facts concerning God. They argues that human suffering is a prove itself to argue that God does not exist. They argue that if God is all powerful, He is capable of preventing human suffering. But, suffering continues each day. Since the universe exists, there is a contradiction, and therefore, an omnipotent god cannot exist. This argument is expounded upon by Scott Adams in the book God's Debris, which puts forward a form of Pandeism as its fundamental theological model. It is possible to say that, scientifically, God does not existjust as science is able to discount the existence of many other alleged beings. About Bill Gaede: Why God Doesn't Exist We are the last generation of humans on Earth! In a matter of months the global economy will finally collapse. Does God Exist Things to Consider Once you're ready to ask the question, does God exist? here are a few observations to consider as you begin your search for an objective answer: Discoveries in astronomy have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe did, in fact, have a beginning. There was a single moment of creation. If God does not exist, as this thread assumes, then it is as this thread has confirmed, that all sense of morality is subjective, and therefore any sense of right and wrong have no such. Read the pros and cons of the debate God doesn't exist. Everitt focuses on how big the universe is, and argues this gives us reason to believe the God of classical Christianity doesnt exist. To explain why, we need a little theology. There's no evidence that God doesn't exist. This argument is often offered as a last line of defense in religious debates, and the person posing it might feel very clever coming up with it. However, the premise of the argument is both flawed and ridiculous. Armin Navabi is a former Muslim from Iran and the founder of Atheist Republic, a. People have been trying to answer this question for thousands of years. As I wrote about in this post, a philosophical novel sets out 36 arguments for the existence of God (listed here; scroll down to read Physicist Stephen Hawking says that understanding science can prove that God does not exist. All the superstitious people can have your illusions and beliefs, All the internet trolls suck it there's no such thing as god, All the atheist trolls suck i Yet the God they worship is completely imaginary. Their belief represents a delusion. It is easy to prove to yourself that God is imaginary. The evidence is all around you. Here are 50 simple proofs: Try praying. How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist [Victor J. Stenger, Christopher Hitchens on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Throughout history, arguments for and against the existence of God have been largely confined to philosophy and theology Proof# 17 Think about Leprechauns. Many believers will say, It is impossible for you to prove that God (Allah, Ra, Vishnu, whatever) does not exist. The planets in their courses exist. While there are clear limits to our knowledge, every Concise and straightforward evidence answering the question, 'Is There a God? Does God Exist Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There Is There a God No armtwisting. Reasons to STOP Believing in God If God knows everything we're going to do in the future, we don't have free will. If God doesn't know everything we're going to do in the future, He. Religions tend to portray God as deeply concerned with humans, yet we seem hugely unimportant in the vast scheme of things. Does the size of the universe prove God doesn't exist? question that arose to me when I saw this painting was if God exists. Depicted in the painting there is a higher being or God watching over Jesus and his disciples. How to Prove that God Doesnt Exist by Matt Nelson July 12, 2016 There are a couple things I can appreciate about the Who designed the Designer? Proof That God Doesn't Exist, Prayer Doesn't Work And Religion Creates Psychosis A believer is a bird in a cage. A freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing. Like honestly, you guys really believe in a magical 'perfect' person in the sky? God exists as much as Satan exists. If you look back, you really believe that this girl ate a magic apple because a snake told her to. Because Hebrew may not be the oldest language, God doesn't exist? Because anthropologists can't agree on how long man has been on earth, that means God doesn't exist? Non of that makes any sense at all Boards Community Central The Vestibule Proof that God doesn't exist. your backpedaling out of your original claim now that God doesnt exist while still insufficiently defending it. The word God is not empirically definable, so to an empiricist this question is exactly as meaningful as asking What if Blobsquatch doesn't exist? Of course most people are not empiricists. But there's a further div God doesn't exist. 750 likes 6 talking about this. Q: What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common? A: Their balls are just for decoration. lol if god doesnt exist, how do you explain koosta fucking up a defuse and then losing a match to win me 5k, god wants good christians to be rich CHECKMATE ATHEISTS. A number of recent books and articles would have you believe thatsomehowscience has now disproved the existence of God. We know so much about how the universe works, their authors claim. If God doesn't exist, how does anything exist! Had Stephen Hawkings saw this question, he would have said I don't know what happened before THE BIG BANG, but after that event everything follows a pattern, suggesting god is man made. You have only exposed your doubts and your doubts are not enough proof that our dear loving God doesnt exist You can die with your doubts who cares and leave us to die with our gullible ignorant un intelligent beleive that God exists. The Top 10 Reasons I Don't Believe in God Does God exist? is a valid and relevant question. Here are my top reasons why the answer is a resounding, No. Is there any evidence that God doesn't exist? Sunday, October 5, 2014 7: 54am. it's easiest to make ad hoc arguments about things that don't really exist because that frees you up to create increasingly fanciful arguments. When applied to theism, this ad hoc reasoning can be seen in the increasingly vague descriptions of God. If your biggest problem is that its possible God doesnt exist, then you might want to explore other expressions of Christianity. Is it possible that you have only been in churches where people live in their heads, like many Baptist or Bible churches? Do you have any experience with supernatural. Therefore, God Doesnt Exist If God doesnt make sense, He must not exist. Instead of weighing the different tensions in our hands and searching for His voice, weve believe its blackandwhite: faith or doubt. And many abandon their search for God right there. We have convinced ourselves that indisputable logic is the only. The problem is this is what science and atheists do is say you cant prove god exists or doesnt exist so therefore he doesnt exist. yet when somebody say prove he doesnt those using the same argument in reverse say thats ridiculous and fairies exist or the boogeyman problem is weve been through this whole planet and pretty sure we have. God Doesn't Exist: and Yes, I Can Prove It [J. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. While I can make various arguments for the harm that religion does in the world, and the dangers represented by a faith mentality God Doesnt Exist. 449 likes 1 talking about this. fuckin with religion So, how can atheists be certain that no gods exist? A person doesn't have to be certain of the nonexistence of gods in order to be an atheist, but just as important is the fact that most people aren't absolutely certain of many of the things they believe or disbelieve. Proofs God Doesn't Exist pt 1 Since I've been talking about proofs that God does exist in the vein of Anselem's Ontological Argument ( Descartes, Kant Russel, Hume, Plantinga ), I think I'll now talk about proofs that God doesn't exist. If God does exist he (or she) is what they are no matter what we think they are. Just like believing an apple is an orange doesnt actually make it an orange. My beliefs on spirituality might be another article. Atheists have Proven God Does Not Exist. Is it possible to prove that God does not exist? Of course, it is not possible to prove that all possible gods could not exist, since we do not possess all possible facts. Although we do not have a complete understanding of the universe, it is possible to prove that. 16 quotes from Why God Doesn't Exist: Define the word exist, and you'll know whether God exists. Watch videoNBC's Sunday night scifi drama, Timeless has joined Hollywood's antiChristian crusade by mocking Christianity, demeaning the practice of prayer, and insisting that, God doesn't exist. The debate of God's existence has segregated religious, philosophical and intellectual groups for most of human history..