Apesar de seu ttulo ser Star Trek, adquiriu o retrnimo de Star Trek: The Original Series para se diferenciar de suas sequncias e do universo ficcional criado. A srie segue as aventuras da tripulao da nave estelar USS Enterprise. Denne artikel omhandler Star Trek: The Original Series. Saturday Night Live har produceret to bermte sketcher, der parodierer den oprindelige Star Trekserie: The Last Voyage of the Starship Enterprise fra 1976 og William Shatners egen Get a lifesketch fra 1986. Original 60's Series Star Trek Intro and Credits. Formatted for HQ on regular YOU TUBE which results in poorer Sound Quality. Star Trek: The Original Series, titulado Viaje a las estrellas: la serie original en Hispanoamrica y Star Trek en Espaa, es una serie de televisin de ciencia ficcin estadounidense creada por Gene Roddenberry que se transmiti desde el 8 de septiembre del 1966 hasta el 2 de septiembre del 1969. Serie de TV de 79 captulos ( ) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. Su Misin de Cinco Aos consiste en explorar nuevos m A srie de fico cientfica Star Trek (que eventualmente adquiriu o retrnimo de Star Trek: The Original Series), criada por Gene Roddenberry, era estrelada por William Shatner como o Capito James T. Spock e DeForest Kelley como Dr. Leonard McCoy abordo da nave estelar USS Enterprise. A srie foi exibida de setembro de 1966 at junho de 1969 na NBC. The original Star Trek series focuses on the 23rd century adventures of Captain James T. Enterprise (NCC1701), a powerful interstellar spacecraft dispatched by Earthbased Starfleet Command to explore the galaxy. Kirk commands a cre This is not a review of the original series itself, if you are a Star Trek fan, youll love it; this review deals with the format and its packaging. I had previously purchased season 1 on Bluray and seasons 2 and 3 on HD DVD; DVD does not give you the option of watching the episodes in the Original Format, which I prefer, so I went with this. Netflix, Filmin, iTunes, Atres Player, Google Play tiene Star Trek: La serie original? Watch videoPrior to Star Trek, the alien or other was a concept meant to inspire fear and justify violence. However it seemed that the series delighted in reversing this. There must be something there that's communicating beyond the show's original five year mission. Star Trek still works as an adventure; one that considers human drama primary. Star Trek: The Original Series 0308 Nebo svt je dut a j se dotkl nebe Star Trek: The Original Series 0309 S Tholian Star Trek: The Original Series 0310 Platnovy nevlastn dti Star Trek: The Original Series soundtracks have been released by several record labels since the mid1980s, showcasing scores from a number of episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series. Several of the releases were of newly recorded suites, or reproductions of the original arrangement by the. cc Star Trek Serie Original Temporada 1 Serie de TV de 79 cap Raumschiff Enterprise (englisch Star Trek; spter auch Star Trek: The Original Series, Abkrzung TOS) Die Verantwortlichen lehnten es jedoch ab, die Serie Star Trek in dieser Form zu realisieren: Das schien ihnen zu kopflastig. Jornada Nas Estrelas (Star Trek) Todas as Temporadas e Filmes (1966 a 2016) Torrent Dublado Serie de TV de 79 captulos ( ) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. Su Misin de Cinco Aos consiste en explorar nuevos mundos y buscar nuevas civilizaciones. Es el ao 2264, dos siglos despus de que el hombre superara en sus viajes la velocidad de la luz y. Watch videoI've watched every Star Trek series from the original on and although some series were better than others, this one is a joke. Seems to be yet another instance of the bean counters overseeing the creative process. La historia transcurre en el siglo XXII, cien aos antes de las aventuras del capitn Kirk y su tripulacin en 'Star Trek: La serie original. Media in category Star Trek: The Original Series The following 46 files are in this category, out of 46 total. Aunque la serie fue titulada simplemente como Star Trek, posteriormente es conocida como Star Trek: The Original Series (algunas veces abreviada ST: TOS o TOS) para diferenciarla de los spinoff que le siguieron, y del universo o franquicia de Star Trek. Star Trek is an American space opera media franchise based on the science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called Star Trek and now referred to as The Original Series, debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew. Arm the photon torpedoes and set your phaser to stun. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 Star Trek: The Original Series Star Trek: The Original Series, titulado Viaje a las estrellas: la serie original en Latinoamrica y La conquista del espacio en Espaa, es una serie de televisin de ciencia ficcin estadounidense creada por Gene Roddenberry que se transmiti desde el 8 de septiembre del 1966 hasta el 2. Whether youre a longtime fan or looking for a starting point, let this top 20 episodes list from the original series of Star Trek be your guide to the stars. Sinopsis de Star Trek: La serie original. Te contamos un poco sobre la Serie Star Trek: La serie originalSerie de TV de 79 captulos ( ) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. Watch Star Trek: The Original Series online. Stream episodes and clips of Star Trek: The Original Series instantly. Star Trek: The Complete Original Series Bluray ( ): Starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley. Ver Star Trek: La serie original Online: ver episodio 1 temporada 1 online y descarga en espaol castellano latino o subtitulado Star Trek: La serie original 1x1 Star Trek. Episodio 1 T1 Star Trek: La serie original La trampa humana Aqui le ofrecemos para ver online Star Trek: La serie original 1x1 espaol y audio castellano audio latino o con subtitulos espaol online Star Trek: La. Esta es una lista de episodios de la serie de cienciaficcin Star Trek: La serie original, contando con un total de 79 episodios distribuidos en tres temporadas. Los episodios estn ordenados por orden de produccin, no por difusin, ya que la lnea temporal original de Star Trek sigue el orden de produccin. Star Trek: A Srie Original Online Ao lado de sua tribulao na Enterprise, o capito James T. Kirk explora a galxia e defende a Federao Unida dos Planetas. Guia de episodios primera temporada de la Serie Original de Star Trek o Viaje a las Estrellas I have been a fan of Star Trek since I was a small boy in the 1970s, when the original series WAS Star Trek all of Star Trek. The original series is still my favorite, and its not just nostalgia for the days of my youth that makes this so. A black star sends the Enterprise back in time to 1960s Earth. Before they can turn back, Kirk and the crew must destroy all evidence of their visit. The iconic original Gene Roddenberry series that inspired a generation earned 13 Emmy nominations. This show is: Exciting, Imaginative. Ver serie tv Star Trek: La serie original Online Serie de TV de 79 captulos ( ) que relata los viajes de la astronave USS Enterprise. Su Mis espaol Star Trek: La serie original castellano vo Star Trek serie en latino Watch full episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, view video clips and full episodes on CBS. Join the conversation and connect with CBS's Sta Star Trek: The Original Series (English) 0 references. eswiki Star Trek: la serie original; etwiki Star Trek (sari) fiwiki Star Trek (alkuperinen sarja) frwiki Star Trek (srie tlvise) gawiki Star Trek: The Original Series; hewiki. Depuis Star Trek: The Next Generation (Star Trek TNG, ), elle a t rebaptise Star Trek: The Original Series (Star Trek TOS, ). Assistir Online STAR TREK: A SRIE ORIGINAL Star Trek uma srie de televiso norteamericana de fico cientfica criada por Gene Roddenberry, produzida pela Desilu Productions e exibida pela NBC de 8 de setembro de 1966 at 3 de junho de 1969. Wikipdia Primeiro episdio: 8 de setembro de 1966 Tema musical: Theme from Star [ Starship Enterprise Star Trek Original Series Set Tour Touted as a stunning achievement offering the most complete and accurate reproduction of the original standing sets from Star Trek: The Original Series. This is a chance to tour the meticulously recreated set of the Starship: Enterprise. Walk the corridors, tour engineering, sickbay, the. Star Trek: The Original Series Videos. News Watch Database Games Events Shop. New Arrivals Apparel Accessories Costumes DVDs Media Collectibles Home Office Sale. Star Trek The Next Generation Science Pillow [16 x 16 29. Star Trek Mirror Universe Enterprise T. During a press conference for Star Trek: Discovery, io9 asked showrunner Alex Kurtzman how theyre balancing the look and feel of Discoverys debut with the first season of The Original Series. La historia transcurre en el siglo XXII, cien aos antes de las aventuras del capitn Kirk y su tripulacin en 'Star Trek: La serie original. Muito bom post amigo, sugiro que se voc puder coloque tbm a serie Star Trek: Phase II, no uma srie oficial, porm conta o restante da viagem estelar de 5 anos ( a qual a TOS so apresentou 3), uma continuao da serie original, apadrinhada por muitos atores e criadores da srie clssica, inclusive com participaes especiais. Created by Gene Roddenberry, the science fiction television series Star Trek (which eventually acquired the retronym Star Trek: The Original Series) starred William Shatner as Captain James T. Spock, and DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard Bones McCoy aboard the fictional Federation starship USS Enterprise. The series originally aired from September 1966 through June.